California Photographer


Bessie Young Photography Portraits

Conquering Fear | Interview with Central Valley Buzz KAIL TV

An Interview with Central Valley Buzz KAIL TV | Conquering Fear

by Bessie Young Photography

An Interview with Central Valley Buzz KAIL TV 1 by Bessie Young Photography

I have some of the most exciting news ever.... and I mean EVER! I will be on TV tomorrow talking all about my photography! Seriously! I was interviewed on Central Valley Buzz KAIL TV for My Central Valley!!! Yes, you read that right! I am so excited to share this news with you. Eeeek!!! The show is broadcast Wednesday, July 27th, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm on My Central Valley, KAIL-TV (Comcast: Channel 13; Dish, DirecTV and AT&T U-Verse: Channel 53; Local Broadcast (Via Antenna): Channel 7.1). If you aren't able to tune in, don't worry as my interview will be added up onto their YouTube channel!

 An Interview with Central Valley Buzz KAIL TV 1 by Bessie Young Photography

On more of a personal side I was absolutely terrified. I thought about turning the offer down. The more I think that I almost turned it down the sillier I feel. Talk about an amazing opportunity for my photography; however, I was scared. I have never had someone film me other than family videos and the videos I take for my YouTube Channel. The great thing about those is I can take as many as I want until I get it just right. Also, I have never been on TV in front of hundreds of people! Talk about nerve wracking! Being in this interview meant I couldn't review the video, delete it, and try again. I didn't know the questions that were going to be asked, and I didn't know how I was going to respond.

After this mix of emotions ran over me I decided there was absolutely no way on Earth I could turn this opportunity down. I was just going to have to suck it up, put on my big girl panties, and do it. No matter my nervousness, my worries, my excuses, or even that little voice inside my head telling me I can't do it. Everything needed to be put aside. I need to grow as a person and a photographer and talk about jumping in head first :)  In order to become good at what you do, in order to become known, and in order to get yourself out into this huge world sometimes you have to put your worries aside. Sometimes you have to get uncomfortable. Sometimes you just have to do it knowing that you can do it even though you feel you can't. The hardest part was to get that little voice in my head to STOP talking and saying negative things like 'you are going to fail' , 'you are going to make yourself look stupid' , 'you aren't good enough for this', etc.

I am so excited to tell you all that I did it! I took the interview, I interviewed, and I feel amazing. Thank you to the host Austin Reed for making me feel so comfortable, at ease, and for this amazing opportunity. I appreciate your kindness. Thank you to everyone at the KAIL TV station and thank you to My Central Valley KAIL TV for the opportunity.

To see more about the show check out their Facebook page here:

or their website here:

I hope you are all able to watch the show and/ or the YouTube video tomorrow. I will be posting the YouTube video on my site tomorrow evening. If you have any questions about my photography, my interview, or my anything leave a comment below. It is always amazing to chat with you guys.

Wishing you all nothing but the absolute best!

