California Photographer


Bessie Young Photography Portraits

Blue Moon May 2016 Adventures

Blue Moon May 2016 Adventures

by Bessie Young Photography

Blue Moon May 21 2016 - Bessie Young Photography-18

“That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” Neil Armstrong

Sitting at home, feeling quite down due to the clouds and my cold, I figured I wouldn't be able to get to see this years 'Blue Moon'. I kept walking outside looking up into the evening sky seeing nothing but clouds. Every so often a blue patch would show through only to lift my hopes ever so slightly. It was about 7:15 in the evening and I decided to check when exactly was moon rise... 8:05. All evening I was debating on going to bed due to my cold, but I had that inner photographer voice in my head saying 'you aren't going to become the best if you don't put everything you have into it' .... 'suck it up Bessie, this only happens every once in a Blue Moon (hahaha pun intended)'.  I grabbed my gear at 7:50 and ran out the door hoping for the best, my dog right on my heals.  As I drove up to my very unplanned location, to my surprise... the clouds to the East had parted! I was lucky enough to be able to see the Blue Moon as the clouds cleared and it was still low enough on the horizon to get a fantastic shot.

Did you knot that when they say it is going to be a Blue Moon the moon isn't actually going to turn blue? According to :

Blue Moon as third full moon of four in a season. The Maine Farmer’s Almanac defined a Blue Moon as an extra full moon that occurred in a season. One season – winter, spring, fall, summer – typically has three full moons. If a season has four full moons, then the third full moon may be called a Blue Moon.

There was a Blue Moon by this definition happened on November 21, 2010. Another occurred on August 20-21, 2013.

Blue Moon May 21 2016 - Bessie Young Photography-18

Blue Moon May 21 2016 - Bessie Young Photography-18

Blue Moon May 21 2016 - Bessie Young Photography-18


Guess what.... I started a Youtube Channel!! Yes, that's right! I am going to try to take some videos of my adventuring. Come check out my Blue Moon adventure here:


Wishing you nothing but fun adventures and happiness!



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